

Powrót Explosions, gunfire, smoke – that’s the film reality


In the vicinity of Pionki City arise a war film “Maria” which follows the story of Ignacy Pisarski – a famous partisan who was born in Pionki. Some of the pyrotechnic special effects were prepared by “ARK – O”.

“Maria” is the second historical document which implementation has been taken by a group of enthusiasts and lovers of history. This time the story will present the history of Ignacy Pisarski. The title role was played by Kamil Boruch , a resident of the surrounding area Garbatka.

The entire film will be about 90 minutes. Most of the actors are completely amateurs: students of schools in Pionki, scouts, firefighters, volunteers from Stanisławice, residents and the surrounding area pawn or members of the Association of Historical Reconstruction form Kozienice.

[source: www.pionki24.pl]